Flexible solution for your events
Hybrid, purely live or digital events
- Flexible participant management
- Up to 5000 visitors possible
- Up to 40 speakers in the same conference
- Extendable, purely browser based solution
- Live streams to YouTube, Facebook and others
Want to organize your own event
We will guide you throughout the whole event organization and execution process. Our CRM and booking tools will support your every step.
Video-Meetings über
eine Plattform
Video-Meetings über eine Plattform
- One to One Video-Meetings mit allen Kontakten
- Meetings jederzeit planbar
ExpiCafé für alle Teilnehmer
- Auf Events und als Stand-Alone
- Beliebig viele Tische
- Branding von Tischen
- Unterschiedliche Anzahl der Sitzplätze
- Versteckte Tische
expiCafé as your networking space
You personal networking & meeting space
- Available as a stand alone and an event AddOn
- Up to 500 configurable tables
- Branding on tables and surrounding
- Configurable spots with 2 to 30 chairs
- VIP & hidden tables possible
Video-Meetings via one platform
All the tools you need for your communication
- One to One Video-Meetings with your contacts
- Plan your meetings anytime
- Chat, exchange documents and emotions
But we can do more, much more!
Our brand new expiAcademy - eLearning 3.0
Sales support - your expertise directly at the counter
Plan your meeting for an event in advance
Want to find out about more amazing possibilities?
We will show you our amazing portal products. Our support team will support your every step.
o2 Free Unlimited MaxFur Experten
- 4g LTE/5G
- Surfen mit max 500MBit/s
- Allnet Flat Telefon
- EU-Roaming
- 4g LTE/5G
- Surfen mit max 500MBit/s
o2 Free Unlimited MaxFur Experten
- 4g LTE/5G
- Surfen mit max 500MBit/s
- Allnet Flat Telefon
- EU-Roaming
- 4g LTE/5G
- Surfen mit max 500MBit/s
o2 Free Unlimited MaxFur Experten
- 4g LTE/5G
- Surfen mit max 500MBit/s
- Allnet Flat Telefon
- EU-Roaming
- 4g LTE/5G
- Surfen mit max 500MBit/s
Personal document cloud
You personal cloud for shared and stored documents
- Available for all users
- Share your documents with your contacts
- Store interesting documents of other Travel-Partners
- Find out how often your documents were stored
- Use your personal cloud as a storage on events
Mehrere Sprecher am Stand
Ein Stand kann ab jetzt mehrere
Travel- Partner haben
- eder Travel-Partner hat einen eigenen Raum
- Verfügbarkeit der Personen ist sofort
- sichtbar Bis zu 10 Travel-Partner pro Stand
Do you have any Questions?
Let us contact you and show you how you can find solutions for your problems using our amazing products.